Welcomes you
Part of the Northern New England Heritage Brass Association, Inc. family
a 501(C)(3) organization
Our home is in the Upper Connecticut River Valley of New Hampshire and Vermont.
[The Connecticut River is the border between Vermont and New Hampshire.]
We hope your visit is informative and worthwhile!
Please feel free to contact us with comments, criticisms, suggestions, or even praise!
Oil on canvas painted by the artist Patricia Walach Keough, Carlisle, Pa. during our performance on the Festival Gettysburg Main Stage, June 14, 2014.
The Battle Line at Santiago, Cuba: “An officer of the Twenty-first began to sing the Star Spangled Banner.
All along the line of fierce fighters entangled in the brush, the strain was quickly caught up
and even the wounded and dying joined in the chorus:
‘And the Star Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave,
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.’
The national hymn has often been sung by brave and heroic sons of the Republic,
but never before did its strains of inspiration break upon the air with such pathos
as when in the lull of the battle’s roar a thousand men in the jungle at Aquadores,
with their rifles firmly clutched in hand, gave utterance to that which is
alike prophecy, and inspiration to every loyal heart.”From the Claremont Advocate, July 14, 1898
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Music Director ||
NMB performance Lutheran Seminary Chapel Gettysburg, Pa ||
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